

Occasionally Berry Place has the opportunity to work on exceptional art pieces, helping engineer extraordinary concepts to produce something truly unique.

Many obstacles have to be overcome to bring a design into the physical world, while keeping the final result in line with the artist’s vision. Close collaboration is vital in achieving this.

Berry Place worked intently with Kacper Hamilton Studio to develop and ultimately create the ‘Temple’ chandelier, an exclusive light sculpture portraying the inaccessible mysticism of ancient religious architecture.

Thirty seven hand blown glass forms arranged in precise geometry evoke ancient Egyptian design, suspended on a spun brass platter it appears to float, having a celestial quality when fully illuminated.

Each frosted  glass element is individually lit from underneath via a programmable custom controlled LED board, allowing dimming adjustment and RGB colour changing on the outer ring. Electrics are contained within the 1m custom spun brass dish so the hanging support structure is visually minimal, contributing to its gravity deifying appearance.

Two custom made flight cases safely transported the chandeliers individual components to New York, where it debuted at The Salon Art + Design Fair 2017, an annual showcase of contemporary works from International artists and designers.

Client: Kacper Hamilton / Priveekollektie
Photography: Copyright © Kate Anglestein

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